D7 Committees


Our Twelfth Step — carrying the message — is the basic service that the A.A. Fellowship gives; this is our principal aim and the main reason for our existence. Therefore, A.A. is more than a set of principles; it is a society of alcoholics in action. We must carry the message, else we ourselves can wither and those who haven’t been given the truth may die.

-from A.A.’s Legacy of Service by Bill W.

Accessibility Committee

While there are no special A.A. members, there are many members who have special needs. This would include those who may be hearing, visually, or speech impaired. There are also those who are homebound, chronically ill, those who use wheelchairs, walkers or crutches, etc. Whatever their disability may be, it is hoped that they would never be excluded from A.A. meetings, Twelve Step work or A.A. service.

If you would like to volunteer with the Accessibility committee, please use the contact button to reach us!

Bridging the Gap:

Looking for service work that’s not only rewarding, but needed? Bridging the Gap (BTG) is looking for volunteers for this important 12th step work.

  • A “Bridger” is paired with people who will soon be getting out of treatment or correction facilities
  • A Bridger will introduce the prospect to various AA meetings in our area, helping the newcomer have a positive introduction to AA

If this sounds interesting to you please click HERE and download the attached “Bridging the Gap Temporary Contact Form

Fill it out and return it to the Colorado Springs Area Service Office.
The BTG Committee will contact you and schedule your training.

Corrections Committee:

The purpose of a corrections committee is to coordinate the work of individual A.A. members and groups who are interested in carrying our message of recovery to incarcerated alcoholics. Bringing meetings and literature into facilities, raising awareness of the Corrections Correspondence Service (C.C.S.) among “inside” and “outside” A.A. members, and helping offenders transition to a local A.A. Community through pre-release contacts are just some of the activities corrections committees support

95% of the incarcerated population will eventually be released to our community. They do not need to know how to do time. They need to know how to live, clean, and sober, one day at a time, on the outside.


Committee meetings:

Pink Can Literature:

AA members in Colorado contribute pocket change to a fund explicitly used to purchase literature for incarcerated people. This is one way for everyone to participate in service to our incarcerated fellowship. Please see the Area 10 Corrections Committee website to learn more about the Pink Can.

Volunteer Opportunities:

Corrections volunteers are needed to:

  • Take meetings in State and Local corrections facilities, such as community corrections programs, county jails, and prisons. The application process that volunteers must undergo varies depending on the facility, and the Corrections Committee is dedicated to assisting the volunteers through this process.
  • Act as temporary contacts for offenders released into our community from state and local correctional facilities. Temporary contacts are A.A. members who agree to meet an offender upon release from a correctional facility at up to 3 meetings to help introduce them to and become acclimated to our local recovery community.
  •  Correspond with offenders currently incarcerated. Correspondence volunteers write letters to incarcerated people, sharing their experience, strength, and hope through the mail.

Please plan to attend the District 7 Corrections Committee meeting to learn more about these volunteer opportunities or become involved.

Apply to become a corrections volunteer today! Contact us using the button below to schedule meetings at the El Paso County Criminal Justice Center, Teller County Jail, or one of the many Colorado Department of Corrections facilities in our area. You will then be emailed a volunteer packet containing the application, training schedule, and instructions.

Cooperation with the Professional Community:

The “Cooperation with the Professional Community” committee is responsible for providing information about A.A. to the professionals who have contact with alcoholics through their profession. Information is provided about what A.A. does and does not do. The committee members are available to contact and discuss with local professionals (in this case, the Colorado Springs Metro area) how to effectively cooperate so that A.A. can carry the message to the still suffering alcoholic.

Committee meetings:

  • CPC is meeting the 4rd Sunday at 3:30 p.m. at Walk the Talk meeting place, 2334 Vickers Dr Colorado Springs, CO 80918.

Many professionals consider A.A. to be a valuable resource for alcoholics who want help. When there is a good working relationship between A.A. members in the community and paid alcoholism workers, the sick alcoholic is the winner – he or she gets the help needed from both.

We are not in competition with these non-AAs; we have our separate functions. A.A. is not in the business of education, research, medicine, counseling, treatment, prevention, or funding. We simply have a message to carry about a program of recovery for alcoholics—a program that works for hundreds of thousands who want it.

The professional can help the alcoholic want it – by education, counseling, and rehabilitative treatment – and can also be of aid by making the community aware of and care about the millions still suffering from the progressive illness of alcoholism.

Members of this committee provide information about A.A. to those who have contact with alcoholics through their profession. This group includes healthcare professionals, educators, members of the clergy, lawyers, social workers, union leaders, and industrial managers, as well as those working in the field of alcoholism. Information is provided about where we are, what we are, what we can do, and what we cannot do.

PI Committee meetings:

2:30 pm, the 3nd Saturday of every month

Area Service Office 1353 S 8th St, Colorado Springs, CO 80905 Suite 209

Public Information (P.I.) in Alcoholics Anonymous means carrying the message of recovery to the still-suffering alcoholic by informing the general public about the AA program.

We carry the message by getting in touch with the media, schools, industry, and other organizations that can report on the nature and purpose of AA and what it can do for alcoholics.

We serve the public in various ways, such as providing speakers, literature, information workshops, and public announcements.

The Public Information Committee is here to serve the community and the individual. If you are part of an organization that would like to provide this information to its students, employees or members, please send us a message.

Treatment Committee:

The Treatment Committee is one of the standing committees that cooperates with rehabilitation centers, hospitals, and detox programs. We are responsible for A.A. members chairing and speaking at meetings within these treatment facilities.

Committee meetings:

Treatment is meeting on the 2nd Wednesday of the month at 5:30 p.m. online via Zoom. Contact treatment@coloradospringsaa.org for Zoom meeting details.

Bridging the GAP

Bridging the Gap (BTG) is that link between between a treatment program and A.A.; BTG is the Temporary Contact Program, designed to help the alcoholic make the transition once they are released from an alcoholism treatment program .

If you are a Treatment Facility or an individual in a treatment center who is interested in filling out a “Bridging the Gap” form for a client or patient, please contact us using the button below.

If you or your group want to sign up to be BTG temporary contacts, please contact us!