
Your tax-deductible contribution to Colorado Springs Area Service Office is a gift that helps carry the message to recovering alcoholics and the alcoholics who still suffer.

Terms and Conditions:

  • Donations can be accepted only from members of Alcoholics Anonymous,
  • By making this donation, you certify that you are a member of A.A.,
  • You also acknowledge that the annual donation limit from individuals to AA is $5,000.00.

This secure Contribute button takes you to Paypal’s website, where you can use your credit card or Paypal account to contribute. A tax deductible receipt will be generated for your convenience.

Other Contributions:

Looking to contribute money to a different service structure of Alcoholics Anonymous? Here are some mailing addresses. The Service Office’s address is at the foot of this page if you would rather send us a check!

I am Responsible.

When anyone, anywhere, reaches out for help, I want the hand of A.A. always to be there.

And for that:  I am responsible.

–  Reproduced with kind permission of Alcoholics Anonymous World Services Inc.